Roger Samara | ThioJoe | Montreal, Canada | Here we have a list of 15 simple and easy computer tips and tricks you might not have ever known about. Anything from Windows tips to general computer tricks, everyone should find something that is useful.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Friday, July 5, 2019
Roger Samara | What Is the Technology Behind a Touch Screen?
Have you ever wondered just how the touch screen on your cell phone, tablet, LED television, or any other device actually works? It is amazing to think that we can now issue commands to our devices with the touch of our hand and while this technology might seem new, it has actually been around since the 1960's.

In fact, the technology behind the touch screen can actually traced right back to the 1940’s but it was only two decades later that it actually became feasible to use on a large scale.
ATMs have been using technology since 1965 which is when E.A. Johnson invented the first finger-driven touch screen that actually used the same capacitive touch mechanism that is still used in cell phones and other devices to this day.
According to Roger Samara, there are other types of touch screen technology such as resistive touch or multi touch technology, capacitive touch technology is the one that is preferred for mass produced consumer products.
Today, a capacitive touch screen works through the use of an ITO touch film that is attached to the screen. This touch film is basically a semiconductor that has been printed out using semiconductor manufacturing methods such as roll to roll processing which uses a roll to roll evaporator system to create an electronic device on a flexible plastic.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Roger Samara - Electric Cars to Rule the Roads within 5 Years
Plug-in or Electric Vehicles have shown a tremendous rise on roads from the last year. Needless to say, if someone needs to buy a new car he will prefer an electric one over fuel in the modern era. A study proved that people worldwide shows strong support for more electric cars than fuel vehicles. While claiming for the reason of more sale of electric cars, environment-friendly is one of them.
In terms of performance, electric cars have proven to be excellent as compared to fuel cars, it is generally said by users. As electric is able to produce 100% torque from zero to full speed while in fuel torque increases as RPM rises. Due to this energy, the vehicle is derived forward rather than losing its energy in friction or heat. Ultimately, the performance criteria of electric vehicles can beat any comparably powered ICE vehicle.
More Efficiency
A plug-in vehicle can travel 240 miles on similar energy of two US gallons of gas, which makes it highly efficient as per new technology. A study revealed that electric car has shown four times more efficient as compared to the ICEs. Also, Plug-in vehicles can cost almost half or less to be operated as gas-powered vehicles efficiently. Moreover, EV has a much simpler and more efficient motor along with less working parts. EVs are also silent in nature, i.e produces very less sound from diesel engines.
When talking about the maintenance part of an Electric vehicle, it is much effortless and also inexpensive. As EV constitute a single moving part in an electric motor and do not utilize oil, it costs much less to maintain. Moreover, It uses a solar panel to charge and its batteries are utilized to power or as a backup source. Plug-in vehicles require regular maintenance for windshield wipers along its tires and not much.
Just because of Electric vehicles simplicity and smooth working it stand more reliable than any internal combustion or diesel engines. For instance, we cannot change or pull if an airplane engine fails, Electric vehicles win in that case. They are much simpler than we expect, with less of working parts than a piston engine. One can simply rely on Electric cars just because it has no complex working and also they are user-friendly.
No doubt, Electric vehicles hold a big part of Green energy revolution trend, and its values have continued to rise. On testing, they are known to emit 85% fewer emissions as compared to the diesel or internal combustion engine. Due to which electricity generation has proved to be cleaner as electric vehicles are getting more efficient. While considering the environment factor electric vehicles can easily take up the place from other engines.
The Wrap Up
In the upcoming years, we hope Electric Cars will rule the roads. Knowing that they are much reliable, eco-friendly, have high performance and are efficient. Roger Samara says Electric Vehicles will soon become a primary source of transport on our roads. What is your opinion? Do share with us!
We Hope You Liked It! Don’t Forget To Comment Below!
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Electric Cars to Rule the Roads within 5 Years
Plug-in or Electric Vehicles have shown a tremendous rise on roads from the last year. Needless to say, if someone needs to buy a new car he will prefer an electric one over fuel in the modern era. A study proved that people worldwide shows strong support for more electric cars than fuel vehicles. While claiming for the reason of more sale of electric cars, environment-friendly is one of them.
We have listed some of the reasons suggested by Roger Samara.
In terms of performance, electric cars have proven to be excellent as compared to fuel cars, it is generally said by users. As electric is able to produce 100% torque from zero to full speed while in fuel torque increases as RPM rises. Due to this energy, the vehicle is derived forward rather than losing its energy in friction or heat. Ultimately, the performance criteria of electric vehicles can beat any comparably powered ICE vehicle.
More Efficiency
A plug-in vehicle can travel 240 miles on similar energy of two US gallons of gas, which makes it highly efficient as per new technology. A study revealed that electric car has shown four times more efficient as compared to the ICEs. Also, Plug-in vehicles can cost almost half or less to be operated as gas-powered vehicles efficiently. Moreover, EV has a much simpler and more efficient motor along with less working parts. EVs are also silent in nature, i.e produces very less sound from diesel engines.
When talking about the maintenance part of an Electric vehicle, it is much effortless and also inexpensive. As EV constitute a single moving part in an electric motor and do not utilize oil, it costs much less to maintain. Moreover, It uses a solar panel to charge and its batteries are utilized to power or as a backup source. Plug-in vehicles require regular maintenance for windshield wipers along its tires and not much.
Just because of Electric vehicles simplicity and smooth working it stand more reliable than any internal combustion or diesel engines. For instance, we cannot change or pull if an airplane engine fails, Electric vehicles win in that case. They are much simpler than we expect, with less of working parts than a piston engine. One can simply rely on Electric cars just because it has no complex working and also they are user-friendly.
No doubt, Electric vehicles hold a big part of Green energy revolution trend, and its values have continued to rise. On testing, they are known to emit 85% fewer emissions as compared to the diesel or internal combustion engine. Due to which electricity generation has proved to be cleaner as electric vehicles are getting more efficient. While considering the environment factor electric vehicles can easily take up the place from other engines.
The Wrap Up
In the upcoming years, we hope Electric Cars will rule the roads. Knowing that they are much reliable, eco-friendly, have high performance and are efficient. Roger Samara says Electric Vehicles will soon become a primary source of transport on our roads. What is your opinion? Do share with us!
We Hope You Liked It! Don’t Forget To Comment Below!
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Basic Things You Should Know About Data Science
Around 6 billion and more devices connected to the internet at present, as much as 2.5 million terabytes of data are produced each day. By 2020, a lot more devices are expected to get linked, evaluating an estimate of around 30 million terabytes of data each day.
As a tech lover or an IT professional, this should make you curious to explore more. So, if you’re someone who is curious to know more about Data Science.
Let’s explore a few basic things about data science with Roger Samara.
What actually is Data Science all about?
It has become a hot topic when it comes to new technology and trends in the Information Technology world. This is common with many technologies which individuals start discussing as nonsense without having actual knowledge of what is meant by the technology, what comes within its scope and so on. Therefore it is essential to discuss in a bit of detail.
The confusion arises at the point when you consider data science as part of today's technical scenario. It comes with its numerous components. Every time when people talk about the constituents of data science, they actually talking about big data. At the same time, they are talking about several jobs that form part of Data Science - what really is a role of Data Scientist's what actually is the Data Curator's role, what particularly id the Data Librarian's role and so on. At present scenario when you talk about it as a field within itself, it mainly deals with large chunks of data.
Hadoop's role when you talk about Data Science
It basically alludes to huge information and vast amounts of frameworks which are utilized to grapple with this large data. There are a significant number of structures which are existing, and they happen to have their very own pros and cons. Hadoop is the most far-reaching and mainstream structure. At whatever point you talk about data science, you talk about the various examination, which you have worked on this substantial amount of data - you truly can't escape Hadoop.
Every time when you perform a statistical examination, there is no need to care about Hadoop or any such structure for big data. However, Data Science happens to be an alternate creature. Likewise, Hadoop is created in Java, so it will truly help on the off chance that you comprehend Java too.
What is R in Data Science?
R is really a programming language for figures. Avoiding R is not a good idea since when you speak of different algorithms you have to apply over this large range of data in for you to have the capacity to get to the bits of knowledge of this information or essentially to empower certain machine learning algorithms over its highest point, you have to employ the services of R.
What is Apache Mahout?
Apache Mahout happens to be a library utilized for machine learning. It has been produced by Apache. Presently, what are the purposes behind getting so much popularity? What decisively are the causes behind it? The genuine sauce is that it specifically incorporates to science. It is truly not just about the sheer volume of information. It is extremely about getting helpful bits of knowledge from a given set of data.
Mahout happens to have an immediate vital condition with Hadoop that enables it to utilize Hadoop's capacity of preparing in executing its algorithm on big data. According to Roger Samara, on the off chance that you investigate enormous organizations including Facebook and LinkedIn, you will experience Mahout Implementations.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
How Mellanox Technologies Beating Other Computer and Technology Stocks?
The demand
for more computing power, effectiveness and scalability are continually
accelerating in the HPC, cloud, Web 2.0, data analytics, machine learning etc.
In order to address these demands, Mellanox provides the complete solution
emphasis, Roger Samara.
computer and technology group has a lot of stocks. Still, the investors always
look for the companies that are outperforming their peers. Chances are the
question “Is Mellanox one of these stocks right now” strike in your mind. And
it is necessary to take a glance at the company’s performance in contrast to
the rest of the computer and technology sector in order to get the answer to
your questions.
Let’s know about Mellanox Technologies in detail:
Technologies (MLNX) is one of the best among 627 companies in the computer and
technology group. The industry is the top leading dealer of the end to end
InfiniBand and Ethernet smart interrelate solutions or services. These
suppliers increase data center efficacy by providing the uppermost throughput
and lowest latency.
computer and technology group recently sits at #4 within the Zacks Sector Rank.
Actually, the Zacks Sector Rank contemplate 16 different groups. And this is
done by evaluating the average Zacks Rank of every stock within the sector to
measure the strength of each group.
In fact,
the Zacks Rank emphasis earnings approximations and estimate amendments to find
the stocks with improving earnings outlooks. This system has a long record of
accomplishment and these stocks tend to be on the path to weary the market over
the next one to three months. Mellanox technologies now sporting a Zacks Rank
of #1, says Roger Samara.
The Zacks
Consensus estimate that MLNX’s full-year incomes have risen 11.03% higher over
the past three months. This indicates that predictor sentiment is improving as
well as the stocks earnings outlook is more optimistic.
At the end
On the
basis of most current data, Mellanox Technologies has reimbursed 29.21% so far
this year. And in comparison to MLNX, computer and technology corporations have
returned an average of 10.33%. This means that Mellanox Technologies is
overtaking the sector as a whole this year.
more precisely, MLNX belongs develop, manufacture and sale of interconnected
products. This includes adapter cards, switch systems, cables, modules etc. The
semiconductors industry comprises 33 distinct stocks and presently sits at #100
in the Zacks Industry Rank.
This group
has mislaid an ordinary of 7.59% so far this year and it means Mellanox
Technologies is performing better in this area. Hence, the stockholders with
the curiosity in Computer and Technology stocks should continue to trail MLNX
suggest Roger Samara. The stock will
be considered to continue its unshakable performance.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
MORS Software Wins the Risk Technology Awards 2018
MORS has been awarded as “Bank ALM System of the year 2018” in the risk technology award. This software is a highly scalable solution that encounters a very large portion of ALM requirements in the banking sector. MORS is intentional for ease of use and cost efficiency along with a high level of computerization with low upkeep says, Roger Samara.
Moreover, the system offers suppleness of configuration and reporting. In fact, a single core system supports a set of operational modules, like balance-sheet administration, liquidity risk management, funds transfer pricing and counterparty credit risk etc. Actually, data management and appeasement are generally automated.
MORS imports data changes as they befall rather than importing the whole balance sheet at once. For wholesale banking dealings, like wholesale funding transactions, balance-sheet items are introducible in real time to have a substantial effect on the calculation results of key performance indicators, such as net interest income. Banking book dealings are usually introducible once or twice per day. Splitting the import as well as the frequency of data in this way evades load bottlenecks emphasis, Roger Samara.
Features of MORS software
MORS’ real-time competences empower users to encounter internal and regulatory requirements for ad hoc and immediate what-if calculations. It also means the system can offer real-time monitoring and supervision of limit and early-warning levels, usually for interest rate risk and liquidness risk management ratios.
In order to meet growing demand for interior and external controlling reporting, MORS’ offer rule engines. Using these engines the banks can define norms for new regulatory necessities and then run reports on their basis without upgrading the MORS software. The same rule engines are used for defining interior reporting needs and configuring calculations.
MORS presently added its Interest Rate Risk Scenario Engine. This makes it easy and fast for banks to complete sophisticated and challenging ALM calculations. The calculations include income-based calculations like earnings-at-risk and value-based calculations like economic value of equity. Along with this, the engine allows banks to do dynamic balance-sheet projections, including dynamic balance-sheet evolution settings. Plus, MORS recently introduces progressive parallel processing competencies and the choice to deploy on Microsoft’s Azure cloud said, Roger Samara.
Let’s find out what Mika Mustakallio — chief executive of MORS Software says
According to him, MORS Software is the best Nordic solution provider for capital management, liquidity risk supervision and ALM in banks. It is based on intellectual and influential in-memory analytics. And offer real-time scrutiny and reporting throughout the entire bank, assimilating both capital and banking book sides of the bank.
Financial institutions use MORS in order to monitor, manage and optimize their performance and risk levels within exterior and interior constraints. The supple configurability of MORS software facilitates the informal alteration to any controlling necessities and other metrics. This software meets patrons’ ALM requirements by providing a modern and user-friendly solution. MORS scales from fulfilling particular ALM requirements of Tier 1 banks to the joint treasury and ALM requirements of smaller banks.
Banks emphasis on the overall cost of ownership means they are progressively looking to maximize the profit from any system. This is when the value of MORS is completely understandable, with its cohesive treasury and ALM system able to shelter numerous risks.
Bottom Lines
The factor that presently driving alteration is the emphasis on user-friendly and flexible systems. Customers do not have time to regularly make software upgrades and improvements. And they need the aptitude to make variations to an ALM system. A lack of litheness in a system can delay firms’ replies to ad-hoc queries and capabilities to meet changing necessities. It is progressively comprehensible that ALM experts will need the aptitude to calculate five diverse rules rather than four.
The ability to monitor everything in real time makes businesses agile. And from a risk administration perspective, it is essential considering the loss of revenue-producing breaks akin with holding needlessly high buffers. By vigorously handling risk in real time, companies can make better-informed choices.
MORS Software offers a complete asset-liability management (ALM) system that is scalable, as well as user-friendly, says, Roger Samara. The software has won the reward for ALM system of the year following a current move to the cloud and preserving focus on providing clients capabilities for real-time monitoring. Chief executive Mika Mustakallio elucidates the essential trends and technological offerings above that the vendor sees as driving change.